World Environment Day 2021


The restoration of ecosystems On June 5 we celebrate World Environment Day 2021, a day promoted by the United Nations (UN) back in 1792 to raise public opinion and governments’ awareness on environmental issues. Environmental issues are becoming more and more urgent, so this date takes on a symbolic importance for a change, which is … Read more

What is Earth Day


April 22, 1970 is the date of the first Earth Day – the world day of the Earth – one of the most deeply felt events on the theme of sustainability and safeguarding the planet. Indeed, this event brings together millions of people every year in peaceful demonstrations in support of the environment. After more … Read more

Green economy: corporate social responsibility and renewable energies


An economical and sustainable growth is possible only with the commitment of everyone. Social responsibility towards the environment Did you know that 66% of consumers is willing to pay more money for a product if the brand is environmentally friendly? This happens because buying “green products” makes us feel being part of the change, helping … Read more

Wind turbines that employ wood


Sustainable materials for wind energy We found out we’re not the only ones using wood in the wind energy market. At Enessere we use Paulownia wood in the construction of the wings of our micro wind turbine Hercules, but other companies also use wood, an eco-sustainable material, for the construction of wind farms. The Swedish … Read more

The importance of colors in our wind blades


Landscape mini wind turbine Wind turbines’ colors and materials have been designed to communicate with the colors of the landscape they’re inserted in, create harmony and develop a chromatic relationship. The wings of Enessere wind turbines reflect the color of sky and clouds, the colour of its towers is neutral, cold and warm, matching tree … Read more

Wind turbines and design: the classic blue


Our Pegasus’ “Classic Blue” is the color for the year 2020 Every year since 1999 the American Pantone Color Institute, specialized in cataloguing colors, elects its “Color of the Year” thus supplying companies with an indication about color choices for their visual communication, analyzing and establishing which are the trending colors in a wide variety … Read more

Green companies and wind energy

Renewable Energy - Enessere-wind-turbine

Facebook and Adobe are focusing on wind energy, committing to meet their energy requirements within the year 2029 thanks to wind-generated green energy. Both companies, in fact, require a substantial, continuous supply of electric energy with no blackouts to avoid damaging the servers in their underground bunkers. These data centers that store all user sensitive … Read more

ENESSERE Hercules Wind Turbine won the German Design Award 2018!

The  German Design Award is the official design award for Germany presented by the German Ministry for Economics and Technology. It is one of the most renowned international design prizes. The German Design Award identifies and presents unique design trends: a competition that advances the design-oriented scene. This is a very special recognition, since ENESSERE vision … Read more

Enessere Hercules: sustainable luxury for Kering

Kering is the second largest global Luxury group, an ensemble of 19 brands that include Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, Audemars Piguet and many others. Kering Eyewear is a new hub created in Italy to take ownership of the lucrative eyewear market, instead of relying on external suppliers that license the brands … Read more

Enessere and Piano Studio cooperate on a massive redevelopment project in Moscow

It’s almost as if the idea comes from the mind of a visionary writer, or from a drawing by Hayao Miyazaki, the legendary Japanese artist and anime director: to place six wind turbines 70 meters from the ground on top of two chimneys of a 19th century Moscow power plant, which is the object of … Read more

Enessere and Vannucci: “Nursery 2.0” towards sustainability

Thursday the 6th of April was a red letter day for ENESSERE: that’s when the ENESSERE Hercules Wind Turbine installation in the Vannucci Nursery Park has been officially presented to the press. A study, research and formation centre located on the grounds of the biggest plant nursery in Europe, an institution that decided to invest on … Read more

ENESSERE won the Focus Open Silver Design Award in Germany!

The ENESSERE Hercules Wind Turbine received the SILVER Design Award 2016 from the Design Center Baden-Württemberg on October 8. During the international competition, the jury evaluated 227 entries in a wide range of different categories. The product innovations came from Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland. The jury selected a total … Read more

Cost of renewables continues decreasing

The latest United Nations Environment Programme report indicates that the cost of renewables continues decreasing. The average cost of solar power in the US has decreased by 82% and wind power by 61% compared to 2009. On a global scale however the average cost of megawatts from photovoltaic energy was set at 122 dollars in … Read more

The US are at the forefront of renewables among the developed countries.

The latest United Nations Environment Programme report points out the US as the country that invested the most in green energy in 2015, with around 44 billion dollars, a 19% growth over 2014. Post-tsunami Japan follows closely, with 36 billion dollars invested, which equals its 2014 investment. Unfortunately, Europe’s investments on green energy keeps decreasing, … Read more

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