ENESSERE: valuable and outstanding products, but not superfluous ones

We want to create valuable and outstanding products, but not superfluous ones. Perhaps the true reading is that we can give this new market of green technology: it is not luxury in the strict sense. ENESSERE products are useful. They are high-performance products, not just beautiful to see. The biggest challenge we face is not … Read more

ENESSERE & “Grazia Casa”

GRAZIA CASA July / August 2013 | N ° 7-8 monthly Alternative Energy Solar panels, wind turbines and even sculptures for cities with low environmental impact by Ilaria Bacciocchi Sunlight, wind, heat: producing energy using natural resources. The search for alternative and clean energy sources leads to design solutions that are innovative and adaptable, particularly in the … Read more

ENESSERE, a fine example of a company.

Reading the article “Lights and shadows of an Italy that accomplishes” by Severino Salvemini, Professor of Management and Technology at Bocconi University, is a stimulus for the ENESSERE team to continue on the path of growth undertaken: we are a good example of a company (and with us, many other small-medium companies) which attempt to … Read more

Hercules quality and neatness

Could we, who were born in this area, surrounded by beauty, elegant Palladian villas, our Venetian villas, our noble Venetian palaces not be sensitive to beauty? ENESSERE Hercules was created to appraise the context in which it is placed. It was designed to integrate into nature. This was our primary goal: Hercules must be in … Read more

Hercules, km 0 wind turbine from Vicenza for luxury markets but “green”

by Alessio Sartore It does not happen every day to find a hyper technological wind turbine in wood and carbon, nine meters high in a domed ceiling room in a Palladio building. This has happened in Vicenza, in the Palazzo Da Porto, in the ENESSERE showroom, a start-up founded in 2011 that utilises the technological … Read more

The Green Revolution

We do what our territory has done for centuries. At its best. ENESSERE aims to offer premium sustainable energy solutions. We are positioned between the high technology sector and the finest craftsmanship, providing innovative products which are highly personalized. Our goal is to create solutions for the production of clean energy, without compromising beauty and pleasure … Read more

The Wooden Wings of ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator

“The beauty of the wooden wings is the most visible expression of their aerodynamic performance.” ENESSERE Team.  The wooden wings are the result of extensive structural studies and decades of artisan skill of experience in wood technology. The North American cedar wood has an aerodynamic function due to the structural strength given by the inner … Read more

Manifesto of Architects of the Lombardia Region

ENESSERE agrees with the Manifesto of Architects of the Lombardia Region in support of professional work to protect the environment and the quality of its transformations. Manifesto degli Architetti Lombardi 08/02/2013 – In occasione dell’imminente confronto elettorale che deciderà il Governo regionale, gli Architetti Lombardi, rappresentati dalla Consulta Regionale che ne coordina i 12 ordini … Read more

“the magazine”, Mercedes-Benz – Horizons – Energy

Article featured in “the magazine” MERCEDES-BENZ quarterly magazine N°4-2012, pg.18. HORIZONS, ENERGY MINI WIND TURBINE: Within the renewable energy sector, a company from Vicenza, Enessere, distinguishes itself by producing small and modern wind generators that combine technical efficiency and fine craftsmanship for their construction. The stylishly designed vertical axis wind turbine is called “Hercules”: a … Read more

The metal structure of ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator

“The beauty of the metal structure is the most visible expression of its solidity.” ENESSERE Team. The metal structure was designed with the help of structural simulations, stress tests and vibration tests, in conjunction with considerable field experience of our team of metal craftsmen, who have been engaged in industrial and interior design for over … Read more

“The Ambassadors” by Hans Holbein the Younger

“The Ambassadors” (1533) is a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger. It is a double full-length portrait of Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, set next to a shelf full of symbolic and evocative objects. In the background there is a green curtain, in the center a high table with shelves. On it you … Read more

The technology of ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator

“The beauty of the electronic component is the clear expression of the achieved technological level” ENESSERE Team. Autoelettric having many years of experience in the automotive electronics sector and the crucial contribution of wind power engineering specialists have created the heart of ENESSERE Hercules, the electronic component. This knowledge and advantage of using reliable and … Read more

ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator Installation

ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator is a vertical axis wind turbine that converts kinetic wind power into clean electricity. Materials utilized are Titanium, wood, carbon fiber and marine grade stainless steel: a design that is the combined result of wind engineers and created with the skillful hands of expert craftsmen. ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator has a … Read more

Trust your instincts, or they will go away

Observation inspired by “Art of the Idea” of John Hunt: “Trust your instincts, or they will go away” In an age where everyone seeks certainty, reference power, measurement and research, instinct sounds a concept that belongs to a bygone era. It’s too difficult to define. Too primordial. Besides, universities don’t run courses for it. Fewer and … Read more

ENESSERE on Financial Times

We are pleased to post an article published in Mergermarket of Finantial Times Group on 24 September  2012 about ENESSERE. Autoelettric seeks EUR 5m for Enessere division, general manager says “Autoelettric, the private Italian automotive relay maker, seeks to raise up to EUR 5m to accelerate the growth of its Enessere energy division, general manager … Read more

Logic is kryptonite

Observation inspired by “Art of the Idea” of John Hunt: “Logic is kryptonite” In the beginning using logic we believed that a very smooth surfaced wing would yield a higher performance, but in reality as we discovered, by constructing the wings in wood and having a grainy surface, this actually increased its performance In my mind … Read more

Ideas have moods

Right from the start the Enessere team harboured the idea of a wind generator that did not fit the usual conventions and schemes. They collectively envisaged how an urban wind generator should be. The idea further developed into thinking how it could integrate in a harmonious way in all environments: thanks to the creative contribution … Read more

The name of Hercules Wind Generator

The stars are pure energy and constellations give them a meaning, bestowing them with a configuration that man always used to interpret events and to orient themselves. ENESSERE with its constellations wishes to give a direction, an orientation for those who navigate the sea of new green technologies. The names of ENESSERE products are inspired … Read more

You get “Sunrise” people or “Sunset” people

Observation inspired by “Art of the Idea” of John Hunt. “Right from the start, in ENESSERE, Federico and I have tried to work primarily with people who share our enthusiasm and bring new ideas rather than negative people who always point out the difficulties and risks first of all. We like that in our team, … Read more

The Meaning of ENESSERE

ENESSERE derives from a combination of two Italian words: ENERGIA (ENERGY)+ESSERE (BEING) All ENESSERE products and their philosophy express a state of being, a new attitude towards nature and the context in which we all live in. Whoever uses ENESSERE products is in harmony with the environment, mitigating the sense of exploitation of natural resources … Read more

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