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An economical and sustainable growth is possible only with the commitment of everyone.

Social responsibility towards the environment

Did you know that 66% of consumers is willing to pay more money for a product if the brand is environmentally friendly?

This happens because buying “green products” makes us feel being part of the change, helping to realize an ecological transition doing concrete actions in our life.

Nowadays, everyone in the world should support the battle against climate change, especially enterprises. Among them only the companies that will implement green solutions to reduce pollution will stand out.

Applying a green policy is no longer an extra cost – even if positive – that brings benefit to the environment and the future generations, but it is also an investment for the company brand. In fact, the market becomes aware that the company is committed to change and is applying a social and environmental corporate plan.

Renewable energies, sustainable products and low environmental impact mobility: these are some of the great challenges that we will face to give a better world to the future generations.

Corporate Social Responsibility means to have social responsibility towards the environment and the community where the company operates. This action will produce a positive effect on the company image perceived by the members or customers. It is a common idea that companies, enterprises and big brands have a major responsibility compared to individuals. For this reason firms have to promote the change and accept the challenge.

Big companies like Google, Gucci, Starbucks, BMW, Chanel, Apple and many others worldwide – who are leaders in their sectors – have started since years, with a a strong acceleration in this historical period, to actively commit to social responsibility knowing also that their environmental responsibility is fundamental for this ecological transition. Referring to this topic, there is a program named RE100 that merges together some of the most influent companies in the world to push towards the energy transition thanks to the use of 100% renewable energy.

Enessere: renewable energy combined with design and sustainability

In the US some authorities support companies in their sustainable economic growth, such as SASB -Sustainability Accounting Standards Board – which is chaired by the former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg.

Over time companies have become aware that being a sustainable company is not a mere cost. On the contrary, the spread of green policies opens to a new growth, investment and employment opportunities. To realize this, it is necessary to have a real action from everyone: government, companies and citizens.

How can we make corporate social responsibility?

Corporate social responsibility can be realized in different ways. Sometimes it is just a matter of adopting new daily behaviors inside the company, while other times it is necessary to make significant investments. Who is in charge, now, must act, without delaying their decision. How? Here are some examples:

  • Actively join green organizations
    A company may support or be involved in green organizations – like the Global Compact in the United States – which propose to promote a sustainable way of making business and fight against the climate change through corporate decisions, such as reduction of packing material, improvement of the production processes, waste reduction, etc.
  • Implement internal sustainable policies
    Having a CSR manager may help companies in identifying what are the ethical and sustainable production processes.
  • Do corporate volunteering
    Corporate volunteering is a way to support local communities and non-profit organizations through contributions or sponsorships.
  • Take action
    A company can use a renewable energy source – like our mini wind turbine system – or it can equip itself with a car fleet made up of electrical vehicles or simply turn off the lights when the office is empty, using a presence detector.

ENESSERE in its own small way commits itself to plant 10 paulownia trees each time a mini Hercules Wind Turbine is installed. This plant has not been casually selected: in fact, the Hercules Wind Turbineblades are fully covered with Paulownia wood, also called kiri or anti-smog plant due to its peculiarity to consume more than 30 kg of CO2 per year per single plant.

Our Hercules Wind Turbine has further environmental friendly features:

  • It makes limited noise (approx 38 dBA).
  • It has been developed in harmony with the environment, following the golden proportion and generating a symbiosis between the surrounding environment and the wind turbine.
  • Our wind turbine system embraces the “chromatic silence”, appeasing their presence in the nature.
  • It is made up of materials that can be reused several times until the end of the cycle.
  • Its operating life lasts decades with an ordinary maintenance.

New generations and social responsibility

It is well-known that young people between 25 and 35 years old are much involved in this new way of evaluating both the companies and the products they are buying, for 3 reasons in particular:

  • They feel emotionally involved and the purchasing is more valuable if it brings an experience.
  • They are aware consumers with the desire to be informed.
  • Being the majority of the active world population, they are quantitatively relevant in every market.

Young people have the tendency to highly commit themselves to achieve the goal of sustainable development and they actively believe in the fight for climate change, thus creating consumption trends that are suitable and coherent to achieve the best possible conditions for life in our planet.

If we then consider very young people, this green mindset has taken deeply root, thanks to the mass media and the promoting activity done in schools by teachers since years.

Focusing on a green economy means reconnecting with the real treasure, which is the environment surrounding us. It means investing in nature instead of exploiting it, creating a conscious economy in order to donate a healthy, livable, prosperous and not exploited world to our children.

Luxury and sustainability

Also the fashion and luxury industries have to deal with environmental sustainability due to the risk of a negative return of imagine, as a consequence of several investigative reports which deeply analyze their supply chain and production processes.

The fashion industry generates 8% of the industrial CO2 emissions, it often uses chemical products for the coloring processes and produces a big quantity of synthetic fibers garments (that means “oil”). Even if these fashion industries produce natural cotton clothes, the scenario is not better due to the huge quantity of water that is needed to grow the raw material.

Therefore, fashion customers have addressed their interests to more sustainable brands, looking for natural products, giving preference to green brands. Thus we are witnessing a repositioning of the fashion and luxury industries towards environmental sustainability and the commitment to a stronger social responsibility.

In France – where fashion is one of the most leading sectors – president Macron has signed the Fashion Pact, along with important companies working in this field, with the aim to support the battle against emissions and to make the fashion industry more sustainable for the environment.

The fashion and luxury industries that will take the path of sustainability will benefit from this trend of the new generations to prefer products coming from responsible firms. According to a study of First Insight, the post-millennials are those who are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

In other words, the research for sustainable goods already exists in the market. Companies and enterprises just need to become aware that implementing sustainable actions to attract new consumers is a necessary investment in the long run to promote the growth and success of their brand.

What about you? What are you doing to safeguard our planet? 

Does your company actively support the fight against climate change?

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