Observation inspired by “Art of the Idea” of John Hunt: “Logic is kryptonite”

In the beginning using logic we believed that a very smooth surfaced wing would yield a higher performance, but in reality as we discovered, by constructing the wings in wood and having a grainy surface, this actually increased its performance

In my mind I have always seen logic as a solid. It is extremely powerful and can stop dreamers dead in their tracks there may be many gods, but logic is the Supreme Being. Logic may not be a false god, but we have, at the very least, given her way too much power. Because the opposite of logical is not always illogical. In a given set of circumstances, a thought might not make sense, but if you change those circumstances, suddenly it’s watertight.

The critical question to ask is whose logic said an idea will or will not work, and in what set of circumstance was that logic applied?

More dreams lie crumpled at the foot of logic than before any other obstacle. Millions of individuals and organizations stay unchanged because logic has bullied and embarrassed them into sameness. And that is because, over the centuries, we’ve allowed its power to cleverly manipulate its importance.

If logic is introduced too early into an idea, it often kills it. That’s because it speaks with history on its side and all its received knowledge can make anything new seem foolish ad impractical. Acknowledge, though, that it does have its place, in the right dosage, at the end of the process. Logic is rarely a catalyst, but it is the consummate filtering process.

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