UPDATE: Enessere for Philip Morris in Neuchatel, Switzerland

Philip Morris, which has long been oriented towards the search for alternative solutions to traditional tobacco, maintains a firm commitment to promoting environmental sustainability as an integral part of its corporate mission. However, recent developments within the company have led to a revision of plans regarding the installation of the ENESSERE Hercules micro-wind turbine at Philip Morris’ prestigious R&D headquarters in Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Initially, the decision to implement the wind turbine was motivated by the desire to consolidate efforts towards sustainable energy production and by the determination to minimize environmental impact. However, the very low level of wind on the site did not allow to make the most of the potential of the ENESSERE micro-turbine.

In response to this circumstance, ENESSERE promptly offered to collect the turbine from the Neuchatel site. This decision was made in recognition of the fact that the efficiency of the system in an area characterized by a lack of wind would not be congruent with the high standards of sustainable energy production that Philip Morris aims to achieve.

It should be emphasized that, despite the withdrawal from the Neuchatel location, the turbine in question will not be destined for obsolescence. ENESSERE is planning its reuse in a more suitable context, where the wind conditions will be optimal to guarantee its full performance, thus contributing significantly to the general objectives of promoting sustainable energy.

This episode reflects ENESSERE’s foresight in adapting sustainability-related initiatives to real environmental circumstances, underlining how the company is inclined to respond promptly to challenges with a strategic and far-sighted approach. Philip Morris and ENESSERE tenaciously pursue their commitment to sustainability, albeit following different paths.

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