
After many years, Sting returns to singing “Russians” and we sincerely hope for a new “Wind of Change” for peace, like the Scorpions’ song that anticipated the fall of the Berlin Wall, which soon became the symbolic song of the political change that in the late 1980s led to a thaw between Russia and the US.

On our site stands the motto “Mini wind turbine for the landscape, symbol of peace and community” and this is exactly how we would like the world we live in to be.

The wind must be the bearer of peace and change, not of war. The wind belongs to everyone and is for everyone, it has no boundaries.

The war in Ukraine is a humanitarian drama for the innocent victims involved, but above all a human drama that highlights the contradictions of our soul, where too often the thirst for power and money and the national pride are placed before the common good, the inalienable right of all people of the world to live in peace with their loved ones, with their children.


We do not go into political judgments of this ugly page of history: it is certainly not our task nor our will. We leave all this to the men of good will who govern us. However, we still want to restate that war is only death and destruction, it is never a means of resolving conflicts between peoples.

War is as unacceptable as slavery once was: we are not pacifists, we are against all forms of war. War is abomination.

We need a new wind of peace, not only in Ukraine but in all war and guerrilla zones around the world, favouring in every way the mediation between peoples to find new geopolitical balances, thus rediscovering the joy of living together in this planet that hosts us with all our brothers and sisters, different but equal to us, because we are biologically the same, we are all human.

“…We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
But what might save us, me and you
Is if the Russians love their children too…”

Sting: Russians

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