All the lines are blurring. Categories can no longer be rigidly classified. Ideas hop from one to the other, shamelessly borrowing from everywhere. Genius is nearly always the outside view looking in; the clever coupling of two or more seemingly disparate things. Original thinking needs a longer leash. Continuously taking your mind for a walk to exactly the same place doesn’t really exercise it. You can’t connect different things together if what you’re seeing is always the same. The gap between what you already know and what you’re exploring is often where the best ideas pop up.

Scouting laterally to find ideas that exist and then retooling them isn’t intellectual plagiarism, it’s how the world works. That’s the path newness often chooses to take. If a bookstore is going out of business, buying better books might not help as much as installing a cappuccino machine. If the idea came from the coffee shop around the corner, well, so be it. It’s not rational but often ideas are stopped in their tracks because they’ve been deemed to come from the incorrect place. They are not purebred. Instead of understanding the endless pattern of connections, some believe thinking is preserved by imprisoning it in its existing, neatly labeled box. As if where a thought comes from is more important than where it is going to.

The excuse usually offered is a need for focus. But focus that is so narrowly defined can only lead to the skinniest of solutions, which won’t last for a long. You should start with the widest funnel to your mind being as wide as possible. That way, you can go hiking, discover that your pants are covered in burrs and invent Velcro.

At ENESSERE, led by the founders Alberto Tessaro and Federico Dalle Mese, we set out 4 years ago with an idea to develop and build a wind generator because we felt that we would like to contribute to our environment and create a machine that can harness the wind in style. We had researched and found that on the market there were highly performing and useful turbines but non that would satisfy the criteria of beauty and harmony. All the turbines available to this day are in composite material and although functional none have pushed the boundaries to search for an innovative approach to materials. We set out to search for a solution and decided to embark on designing and creating turbine blades made out of wood. An unthinkable solution. We were often derided and called crazy to embark on such a journey. In the end all the test and research facilities that we used quickly embraced our idea and thought that it was a highly innovative and a beautiful solution, and quickly jumped on board. Today, thanks to our ENESSERE teams’ use of the broadest funnel to our minds and then distilling all our ideas to produce the final essence of a unique wind turbine, ENESSERE Hercules Wind Generator, that combines innovation, technology and generations of finely tuned craftsmanship.

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