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ENESSERE has been included in the “100 Italian Energy Stories” Report of Enel Foundation Symbola. Technologies and top players in the power industry Made in Italy.

<<Wind, craftsmanship, energy: Three words that placed together appear to have little in common but which in reality tell a story about Italian technology, caring for the environment, and beauty.
ENESSERE, founded in 2009 in Brendola near Vicenza by Alberto Tessaro, implements solutions for energy self-sufficiency, combining efficiency with craftsmanship.
The Hercules wind generator is one of its ‘designer’ products: A vertical-axis mini wind turbine, nine metres in height, which is capable of meeting the needs of an entire family (generating 5kW).
The rotating blades are virtually silent and can exploit the wind no matter what direction it comes from.
Its design has an aesthetic as well as a technological value, and the generator made by the Guerra brothers, craftsmen from Vicenza, uses a titanium, carbon fibre and steel structure, whilst the blades are slats made from North American cedar. >>

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